Chiropractor Cost in Rochester MN

Cost of chiropractic care in Rochester MN 55901.
Monthly Chiropractic Membership in Rochester MN
- 2 adjustments per month - $100 ($50 each)
- 4 adjustments per month - $160 ($40 each)
- $45 for each additional adjustment
- Adjustments are per calendar month.
- Minimum 3 full calendar month commitment.
- Can switch between memberships on a full calendar month basis.
- Adjustments do not transfer month-to-month.
- Additional family members receive a $10 discount.
Prepay Packages*
- 6 adjustments - $360 ($60 each)
- 12 adjustments - $660 ($55 each)
*Do not expire
Pay as you go Chiropractic Adjustment
- $65 per adjustment
Initial New Patient Visit
- $159* includes chiropractic consultation, examination, and adjustment.
*Do not expire
Quality Life Chiropractic & Massage
At Quality Life Chiropractic & Massage in Rochester MN, we provide cost-effective chiropractic adjustments that can be customized to your specific treatment needs. We understand the importance of regular chiropractic care in achieving optimal overall health and wellness.
Our affordable memberships enable more individuals and their families to access our healing and restorative chiropractic services. In many cases, our memberships offer more affordable care compared to using insurance, while also eliminating the limitations and restrictions imposed by insurance plans.
Dr. Matt Suntken, our chiropractor, is dedicated to offering the highest quality care at the most reasonable price in Rochester MN, and the surrounding areas. Our chiropractic services are designed to accommodate people of all ages and their families through various payment options, including pay-per-visit, pre-pay packages, monthly chiropractic memberships, and our membership family discount.
For questions or to schedule with the chiropractor call us at (507) 206-6334
*Does Not Apply To Medicare
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
Saturday, & Sunday
Quality Life Chiropractic & Massage
3249 19th St NW suite 2
Rochester, MN 55901